Corn & Crab Bisque

Corn & Crab Bisque

Corn & Crab Bisque - Corn & Crab Bisque

Corn & Crab Bisque


1/4 C. flour 1 Lb. Crab meat (claw)
1/4 C. butter 2 C. chopped green onion
1 Quart heavy cream 24 Oz. Whole corn with liquid
1 Quart milk 1 Tbsp. chopped parsley (for garnish)
1 C. stock Salt to taste
Joe's seasoning to taste


Combine milk, heavy cream and stock. Bring to a boil then reduce to a simmer for about 10-12 minutes.

Make a roux with equal parts of butter and flour to desired color; add in to your simmering pot. Stir in your corn with liquid,
crabmeat and simmer for another 5 minutes.

Gradually add in half of your green onions and parlsey for garnish.

Note: Use the other half of your green onions and parsley for garnish.

New Orleans School of Cooking

524 St. Louis Street
New Orleans, La 70130

(504) 525-2665

Store Hours:
Mon - Sun 9am - 5pm

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